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tcsh: Start an interactive shell session.
$ tcsh
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"tcsh" stands for "TENEX C Shell" and it is a Unix command shell or a command line interpreter for Unix-like operating systems. It is an enhanced version of the C Shell (csh).

The "tcsh" command starts a new shell process with tcsh as the command interpreter. Once started, tcsh provides a command line interface where you can execute commands, run scripts, and perform various shell operations.

Some of the key features of tcsh include:

  1. Command history: tcsh keeps track of previously executed commands, allowing you to recall and reuse them using the arrow keys or specific commands.

  2. Tab completion: By pressing the Tab key, tcsh can complete partially typed commands or suggest available options or files.

  3. Job control: tcsh allows you to manage background processes, pause, resume, or terminate them, and switch between running tasks using job control commands.

  4. Command aliasing: tcsh lets you create custom command shortcuts called aliases, simplifying the execution of frequently used commands.

  5. Command scripting: Like other shells, tcsh allows you to write shell scripts containing a series of commands to automate tasks or perform complex operations.

By running the "tcsh" command, you open a new shell session with tcsh as the interpreter, providing you with an interactive environment to navigate the file system, execute commands, and perform various shell-related tasks.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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