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tea: Display a list of open pull requests.
$ tea pulls ls
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The command "tea pulls ls" does not have a universally recognized meaning or inherent functionality. It seems to be a combination of the words "tea," "pulls," and "ls," which are unrelated on their own.

  • "Tea" likely refers to the popular hot beverage made by steeping tea leaves in boiling water. However, in the context of a command, its purpose is unclear or nonexistent.
  • "Pulls" typically refers to the action of retrieving or fetching data, often used in version control systems like Git when getting updates from a remote repository. However, without additional context, it is uncertain what it specifically means in this command.
  • "ls" is a common command in Unix-like operating systems, which lists the files and directories in a given directory.

Overall, without further context or clarification, it is challenging to provide a specific explanation or purpose for the command "tea pulls ls."

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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