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tea: Display a list of issues for a specific repository.
$ tea issues ls --repo "${repository}"
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The command "tea issues ls --repo "${repository}"" is likely a command used in some command-line tool called "tea" to list issues in a specified repository.

Here is a breakdown of the command:

  • "tea" is the name of the command-line tool.
  • "issues" is a sub-command or option within the "tea" tool to work with issues.
  • "ls" is short for "list" and it specifies that we want to list issues.
  • "--repo" is a flag used to indicate that we want to specify the repository we are interested in.
  • "${repository}" is a placeholder for the actual repository name or identifier. It is likely an environment variable or a variable defined earlier in the script.

This command is used to retrieve and display a list of issues from a specific repository using the "tea" command-line tool. The specific repository is provided through the "${repository}" variable.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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