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telinit: Reload daemon configuration.
$ telinit q
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The command "telinit q" is used to instruct the init process to reload the runlevel configuration without restarting the system.

Init is the first process that is started during the Linux boot process and it is responsible for initializing and managing all other processes. The runlevel configuration determines which services and processes should be started or stopped at various runlevels (e.g., during system startup or shutdown).

By running "telinit q", you are signaling the init process to re-examine the runlevel configuration files and make any necessary changes. This can be useful if you have made changes to the runlevel configuration files and want to apply those changes without rebooting the system.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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