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terminator: Split terminals horizontally.
$ Ctrl + Shift + O
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The command "Ctrl + Shift + O" is a keyboard shortcut that is often used in text editors or integrated development environments (IDEs) to perform an operation called "Organize Imports".

When you press "Ctrl + Shift + O" simultaneously, the IDE will automatically analyze the code you have written and add or remove import statements accordingly. An import statement is used to bring external code libraries or modules into your program so that you can use the functions, classes, or variables defined in those libraries.

In simpler terms, using "Ctrl + Shift + O" organizes the imports in your code, ensuring that all the necessary import statements are present and any unnecessary or redundant ones are removed. It helps maintain clean and readable code, as well as prevents errors related to missing imports.

It's worth noting that the specific function associated with "Ctrl + Shift + O" might differ slightly depending on the text editor or IDE you are using, but it is commonly used as a shortcut for organizing imports.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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