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terraform-fmt: Do not list files that were formatted to `stdout`.
$ terraform fmt -list=false
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The command terraform fmt -list=false is used in the Terraform command-line interface (CLI). Here's what it does:

  • terraform fmt: This command is used to automatically update the formatting of your Terraform configuration files. It helps to maintain a consistent and readable format across your codebase.

  • -list=false: This flag is used to disable listing the files being modified or checked. By default, when you run terraform fmt, it will display a list of files that have been modified. However, using -list=false will prevent this list from being displayed, providing a cleaner command output.

So, when you execute terraform fmt -list=false, Terraform will automatically format your configuration files without showing a list of the modified files.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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