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List of commands for tesseract:

  • tesseract:ai:27ca2 what does nld mean in tesseract
    $ tesseract -l nld input.png output
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  • tesseract:tldr:2ce65 tesseract: Specify a custom page segmentation mode (default is 3).
    $ tesseract -psm ${0_to_10} ${image-png} ${output}
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  • tesseract:tldr:524d6 tesseract: Specify a custom language (default is English) with an ISO 639-2 code (e.g. deu = Deutsch = German).
    $ tesseract -l deu ${image-png} ${output}
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  • tesseract:tldr:75ce5 tesseract: Recognize text in an image and save it to `output.txt` (the `.txt` extension is added automatically).
    $ tesseract ${image-png} ${output}
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  • tesseract:tldr:b3846 tesseract: List the ISO 639-2 codes of available languages.
    $ tesseract --list-langs
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  • tesseract:tldr:dc8d9 tesseract: List page segmentation modes and their descriptions.
    $ tesseract --help-psm
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