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textutil: Convert `foo.txt` into `foo.rtf`, using Times 10 for the font.
$ textutil -convert ${rtf} -font ${Times} -fontsize ${10} ${path-to-foo-txt}
try on your machine

The command you provided is:

textutil -convert ${rtf} -font ${Times} -fontsize ${10} ${path-to-foo-txt}

This command is using the textutil utility to convert a text file foo.txt to an RTF (Rich Text Format) file with specific font and font size.

Here is an explanation of each part of the command:

  • textutil: It is a command-line tool available on macOS that can manipulate various types of text documents.
  • -convert ${rtf}: This option specifies the conversion format for the input file. In this case, the rtf variable is used, which should contain the desired output format.
  • -font ${Times}: This option sets the font of the output RTF file. The Times variable is used here to specify the font name.
  • -fontsize ${10}: This option sets the font size of the output RTF file. The 10 variable is used here to specify the font size.
  • ${path-to-foo-txt}: This is the path to the input text file (foo.txt). The command will convert this file to an RTF file with the specified font and font size.

Note: The ${} syntax suggests that the values for rtf, Times, and 10 may be variables that should be replaced with their actual values when running the command.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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