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thunar: Close all open thunar windows.
$ thunar --quit
try on your machine

The command thunar --quit is used to terminate or close the Thunar file manager.

Thunar is a popular file manager for Linux-based operating systems, and it provides a graphical interface for viewing, organizing, and manipulating files and directories.

When you run the command thunar --quit, it sends a signal to the Thunar process to terminate or close. This is useful when you want to close Thunar if it is unresponsive or if you no longer need to use it.

Once the command is executed, Thunar will be closed, and its window will be terminated, freeing up system resources that were allocated to it.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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