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timew: View tracked items.
$ timew summary
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The command "timew summary" is used to generate a summary of all time tracked by the TimeWarrior application. TimeWarrior is a time-tracking tool used to record and analyze how you spend your time.

When the "timew summary" command is executed, it will calculate and display various summaries and statistics related to your tracked time. This summary will typically include information such as the total tracked time, the number of intervals recorded, and the distribution of tracked time across different tags or projects.

The exact details and format of the summary generated by the "timew summary" command may vary depending on the specific configuration and options used with TimeWarrior. Additionally, TimeWarrior may provide additional features and options to further analyze and filter the data presented in the summary.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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