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tldr: Print the tldr page for a specific subcommand.
$ tldr ${command}-${subcommand}
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The command "tldr" is a command-line tool used for quickly understanding and getting concise summaries of various terminal commands. It helps users to quickly grasp the usage and purpose of different commands.

In the expression "tldr ${command}-${subcommand}", "${command}" and "${subcommand}" are variables that you need to replace with actual command and subcommand names.

For example, if you want to get a summary of the "git log" command, you would use the command "tldr git-log". Here, "git" is the command and "log" is the subcommand.

The "tldr" command searches for the specified command in its database and displays a simplified explanation of its usage, providing practical examples and highlighting the most important details.

Overall, using "tldr ${command}-${subcommand}" allows you to quickly access simplified documentation for specific command-subcommand combinations, aiding in the understanding of command-line tools.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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