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tldr: Print the tldr page for a command for a specific [p]latform.
$ tldr -p ${select} ${command}
try on your machine

The command tldr -p ${select} ${command} is used to display simplified and concise explanations of various command-line commands. Here's a breakdown of the command components:

  • tldr: It is a command-line utility that stands for "Too Long, Didn't Read". It provides practical and brief explanations of frequently used terminal commands.
  • -p: It is an option or flag for the tldr command, which stands for "platform". This option allows you to specify the platform or operating system for which you want to see the command help. For example, you can use -p linux or -p macos to get command descriptions specific to Linux or macOS, respectively.
  • ${select}: It is a placeholder that represents the specific command or topic you want to get help with. You would replace ${select} with the actual command or topic you wish to have summarized, such as "git" or "ls".
  • ${command}: It is another placeholder representing an additional command or option that you want to provide context for. You would replace ${command} with the desired command or option related to the main command, if needed.

Overall, the tldr -p ${select} ${command} command helps in obtaining quick and concise explanations for various command-line commands, tailored to your chosen platform and with the ability to include specific commands or options.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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