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tmpmail: Create a temporary inbox.
$ tmpmail --generate
try on your machine

The command "tmpmail --generate" is used to generate a temporary email address.

The "tmpmail" is a command-line tool or program that enables you to create temporary email addresses for various purposes.

By executing the "tmpmail --generate" command, the program will generate a new temporary email address for you. This email address can then be used to receive emails, and any email sent to this address will be accessible through the "tmpmail" program.

Temporary email addresses have advantages in situations where you need to provide an email but don't want to use your personal or permanent email address. They can be useful in protecting your privacy, avoiding potential spam or junk emails, or when signing up for online services or platforms that require an email address.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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