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tmpmail: Display the most recent received email.
$ tmpmail --recent
try on your machine

The command "tmpmail --recent" is likely to be used in the context of a temporary email service or tool. This command is used to view the recently received emails in a temporary email inbox.

A temporary email service provides users with disposable email addresses, allowing them to receive emails without revealing their permanent or personal email address. These email addresses are typically short-lived, and all emails received are automatically deleted after a certain period.

When the command "tmpmail --recent" is executed, it queries the temporary email service for the most recent emails received in the temporary inbox associated with the user. It displays the details of these recently received emails, such as sender, subject, and date.

This command is useful for quickly checking the most recent emails without the need to navigate through a web interface or use a graphical email client. It provides a simple and command-line based approach to accessing temporary email communications.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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