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tmpmail: Open email with a specific browser (default is w3m).
$ tmpmail --browser ${browser}
try on your machine

This command is using the "tmpmail" command-line tool and passing an argument to it. The argument used here is "--browser", and it is followed by a value in the form of "${browser}". The specific value of "${browser}" will depend on the context or how this command is being executed.

The "tmpmail" command-line tool is commonly used for creating temporary email addresses for testing or other purposes. It allows users to generate a disposable email address that forwards emails to their primary email inbox, and they can access and read those emails using the "tmpmail" tool.

In this case, the "--browser" argument is used to specify the browser that will be used to open a web-based interface for accessing the generated temporary email address. The "${browser}" placeholder indicates that the actual browser to be used needs to be provided when running this command.

For example, if the value of "${browser}" is "chrome", the command would execute the "tmpmail" tool to open the generated temporary email in a Chrome browser window. The specific functionality and behavior of this command may depend on the implementation details of the "tmpmail" tool itself.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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