The command "sudo tmutil setdestination ${path-to-disk_mount_point}" is a command used in macOS Terminal to set the destination for Time Machine backups.
Here's a breakdown of the command:
"sudo": It stands for "superuser do" and is used to run the following command as a superuser or administrator. It prompts for the password of the current user to gain the necessary privileges.
"tmutil": It is a command-line utility in macOS used to manage Time Machine backup features from the Terminal.
"setdestination": It is an argument or subcommand of the "tmutil" command. It is used to set the destination or target location for Time Machine backups.
"${path-to-disk_mount_point}": It is a placeholder indicating that you need to provide the actual path to the disk mount point or the location where you want to store your Time Machine backups. For example, it could be something like "/Volumes/BackupDrive".
By replacing "${path-to-disk_mount_point}" with the actual path to your desired backup destination, you can execute the command to set that location as the target for Time Machine backups.