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tmuxinator: Create a new project.
$ tmuxinator new ${project}
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The command tmuxinator new ${project} is used to create a new configuration file for a project using the Tmuxinator tool.

Tmuxinator is a command-line tool that helps manage and automate Tmux sessions. Tmux is a terminal multiplexer that allows you to create multiple terminal sessions and switch between them easily.

In the given command, ${project} is a placeholder for the name of your project. You would replace ${project} with the actual name of your project, without the {} braces.

When you run this command, Tmuxinator will create a new YAML configuration file with the given project name. The configuration file will be used to define the layout and commands for the Tmux session related to your project.

This configuration file can be customized to set up Tmux in a specific layout, open multiple windows with different commands, set environment variables, and more. Once the configuration file is created, you can use other Tmuxinator commands to manage and control your Tmux session for the project.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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