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todo: Mark tasks with the specified IDs as completed.
$ todo done ${task_id1 task_id2 ---}
try on your machine

The command "todo done ${task_id1 task_id2 ---}" is used to mark one or more tasks as completed in a todo list or task management system.

Here's how it works:

  1. "todo" refers to the name or alias of the task management command-line program or application being used.

  2. "done" specifies the action to be performed on the tasks, which in this case is marking them as completed.

  3. "${task_id1 task_id2 ---}" represents the placeholder for the task IDs that are being marked as done. These task IDs can be specific numbers or identifiers assigned to each task.

  • If you have two tasks to mark as complete, the command will be: "todo done ${task_id1 task_id2}"

  • If you have more than two tasks, you can add additional task IDs separating them with spaces: "todo done ${task_id1 task_id2 task_id3 ...}"

  • "--" indicates the end of the task IDs, and is useful if you have tasks with names or IDs that start with a hyphen ("-") to prevent confusion with command options.

By executing this command with the appropriate task IDs, the corresponding tasks will be flagged or modified as "done" or completed in your task management system, allowing you to track your progress and focus on the remaining tasks.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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