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todoist: Add a high priority task with a label, project, and due date in quick mode.
$ todoist quick '#${project_name} "${tmr 9am}" p${1} ${task_name} @${label_name}'
try on your machine

The command you provided is formatting a task creation command for the Todoist application using different placeholders.

Here's the breakdown of each element:

  1. todoist: This is the command needed to interact with the Todoist application's CLI (command-line interface).

  2. quick: It appears to be a custom command or alias defined within Todoist.

  3. '#${project_name} "${tmr 9am}" p${1} ${task_name} @${label_name}': This part of the command contains multiple placeholders and values.

  • #${project_name}: This placeholder is likely used to specify the project name where the task should be added. The # symbol is followed by the placeholder ${project_name}. You would replace ${project_name} with the actual project name.

  • "${tmr 9am}": This placeholder determines the due date and time for the task. It seems to be using the format tmr 9am to represent tomorrow at 9 AM. The " quotes may be used for proper formatting within the command.

  • p${1}: This placeholder could be used to designate a priority level for the task. The value ${1} refers to the first argument passed to the command. You would replace ${1} with the desired priority level (e.g., p1, p2).

  • ${task_name}: This placeholder represents the name or description of the task. You would replace ${task_name} with the actual task name.

  • @${label_name}: This placeholder indicates a label/tag for the task. The @ symbol is followed by the placeholder ${label_name}. You would replace ${label_name} with the desired label name.

Overall, this command is likely intended to quickly create a task with specific properties (project, due date, priority, task name, label) in the Todoist application's command-line interface.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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