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todoist: List today's tasks with high priority that have the specified label.
$ todoist list --filter '(@${label_name} | ${today}) & p${1}'
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The command "todoist list --filter '(@${label_name} | ${today}) & p${1}'" is used to list tasks from the Todoist application based on specific filters.

Let me break it down for you:

  • "todoist list" is the main command that instructs the Todoist application to list tasks.
  • "--filter" is an option that allows you to specify filters for the listed tasks.
  • "'(@${label_name} | ${today}) & p${1}'" is the filter expression used in this command. It consists of three parts:
  1. "@${label_name}": This part represents a label filter in Todoist. It retrieves tasks that have a specific label assigned to them. The "${label_name}" placeholder should be replaced with the actual name of the label you want to filter by.

  2. "|": This symbol functions as the logical OR operator. It combines multiple filter conditions and retrieves tasks that meet at least one of the conditions on its left or right side.

  3. "${today}": This part represents a date filter that retrieves tasks with a due date of today.

  4. "&": This symbol functions as the logical AND operator. It combines multiple filter conditions and retrieves tasks that meet all of the conditions on its left and right side.

  5. "p${1}": This part represents a priority filter that retrieves tasks with a specific priority level. The "${1}" placeholder should be replaced with the desired priority level (e.g., 1 for highest priority, 2 for medium priority, etc.).

By using this command with the appropriate label, date, and priority filters, Todoist will list all the tasks that match the specified criteria.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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