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toilet: Show available toilet filters.
$ toilet --filter list
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The command "toilet --filter list" is using the toilet tool with the "--filter" option to display a list of available filters.

Toilet is a tool that creates colorful and stylized text-based images or banners on the command line. It can be useful for creating visually appealing text art, headers, or decorative elements in scripts or terminal applications.

The "--filter" option is used to specify a filter that modifies or enhances the text before it gets rendered by Toilet. In this case, the filter being used is "list". By running "toilet --filter list", the command will display a list of available filters that can be used with Toilet. These filters can be used to manipulate the text in various ways, such as adding drop shadows, gradients, embossing effects, or other transformations.

By utilizing different filters and their respective options, you can create a wide range of visual effects and customize the appearance of the text generated by Toilet.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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