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top: Start top sorting processes first by CPU, then by running time.
$ top -o cpu -O time
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The command "top -o cpu -O time" is used to run the "top" command in a specific sorting order.

Here's a breakdown of the command:

  • "top" is a command-line utility in Unix-like operating systems that displays system statistics, including CPU usage, memory usage, and running processes.
  • "-o cpu" flag is used to sort the displayed processes based on their CPU usage in descending order. So, the process that consumes the most CPU will be shown at the top of the list.
  • "-O time" flag is used to sort the processes based on their running time in descending order. This means that the process running for the longest time will be shown at the top.

In summary, the "top -o cpu -O time" command will display the list of processes in descending order of CPU usage, and within the same CPU usage group, it will further sort them based on running time.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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