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topgrade: Cleanup temporary/old files.
$ topgrade -c
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The command "topgrade -c" is used to execute the Topgrade tool with a configuration file.

  • "topgrade" is the command to run the Topgrade tool. Topgrade is a command-line tool used for upgrading multiple package managers and applications in one go.
  • "-c" is a flag or option that specifies the use of a configuration file.

A configuration file contains instructions and options for Topgrade to customize its behavior. By using the "-c" flag followed by the path to the configuration file, you are telling Topgrade to use that specific configuration file to determine which package managers and applications to update, as well as any additional settings specified in the file.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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