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topydo: Add a to-do with a due date of tomorrow with a priority of `A`.
$ topydo add "(A) ${todo _message} due:${1d}"
try on your machine

The command is using the topydo tool to add a new task to a to-do list.

Here's a breakdown of the command syntax:

  • topydo add: This specifies the action to add a new task to the to-do list.
  • "(A) ${todo _message} due:${1d}": This is the content of the task being added. It consists of several parts:
    • (A): This is a tag or label for the task. It could indicate the task's priority or any other relevant information.
    • ${todo _message}: This is a placeholder that will be replaced with the actual task description or message.
    • due:${1d}: This sets the due date for the task. In this case, it is set to one day from the current date. The 1d is a format indicating one day (1d), two days (2d), and so on.

Overall, this command adds a new task to the to-do list with a given priority, a message or description, and a deadline or due date of one day from the current date.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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