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tox: Run tests on all test environments.
$ tox
try on your machine

Tox is a command-line tool used for managing and automating the testing of Python projects. It helps streamline the testing process by creating isolated environments for running tests, managing dependencies, and running tests in multiple Python versions.

When you execute the "tox" command in your project directory, it looks for a configuration file called tox.ini. This file contains various settings and instructions for Tox to follow during testing. It specifies the test environments, dependencies, test commands, and other configuration details.

Tox allows you to define multiple test environments with different configurations. For example, you can create an environment for testing your project with different versions of Python, or for running tests with different combinations of dependencies.

Once you execute the "tox" command, Tox will create the specified test environments and install the necessary dependencies inside each environment. It then runs the test commands specified in the tox.ini file for each environment. This allows you to test your project in a consistent and reproducible manner across different configurations.

Overall, the "tox" command is used to automate the testing process and ensure your Python project works correctly in different environments.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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