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trace-cmd: Clear the trace buffers and stop tracing.
$ trace-cmd reset
try on your machine

The command "trace-cmd reset" is used to reset the state of the Linux kernel tracing system provided by the Trace-cmd utility.

When the tracing system is active, it collects various types of trace data related to the system's activity, such as function calls, context switches, interrupts, and more. This information can be helpful for debugging, performance analysis, and understanding the system behavior.

The "trace-cmd reset" command stops the currently active tracing session and resets the state of the tracing system to its initial state. This means that any ongoing tracing data collection is stopped, and the trace buffers are cleared.

By resetting the tracing system, you can start fresh with a new tracing session and collect trace data from the beginning. It is often useful to reset the tracing system before starting a new tracing session to avoid mixing up data from different sessions.

Note that this command typically requires root privileges, so you might need to prefix the command with "sudo" or run it as the root user.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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