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trace-cmd: Display the status of tracing system.
$ trace-cmd stat
try on your machine

The command "trace-cmd stat" is used to display statistics about the traced events captured in a session by the kernel tracer. Here is what this command does:

  1. Trace-cmd: Refers to the command-line interface for the Ftrace kernel tracer, a Linux kernel subsystem for collecting trace data.

  2. Stat: Short for "statistics". This keyword instructs the trace-cmd tool to display statistical information about the traced events.

When executed, the "trace-cmd stat" command reads the trace data from a previously recorded trace session and provides several metrics and statistics related to the captured events. These statistics may include:

  • Total events: The number of events captured during the trace session.
  • Overruns: The count of lost events due to buffer overflow.
  • Histograms: Provides a distribution of events over specified time intervals or event sizes.
  • Min/Max/Average: Statistical measures of event latency or other relevant metrics.
  • Accumulators: Displays cumulative counters for specific event types.

By utilizing the "trace-cmd stat" command, developers and system administrators can gain insights into the performance, behavior, and usage characteristics of their Linux systems and applications. This information can be helpful for optimizations, debugging, and performance analysis.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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