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traceroute: Specify size in bytes of probing packet.
$ traceroute ${host} ${42}
try on your machine

The traceroute command is used to track the path taken by packets of data from a source host to a destination host on a computer network. It shows the intermediate routers and the round-trip time for each hop.

In the given command, ${host} and ${42} are placeholder variables that would be replaced with actual values when the command is executed.

For example, if we assume ${host} is replaced with and ${42} with 80, the resultant command would be:

traceroute 80

This command would initiate the traceroute process and attempt to trace the network path to the host on port 80 (commonly used for HTTP traffic). The command would display the list of routers or network equipment encountered along the path, along with the time it took for the packets to make a round trip to each hop.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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