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traefik: Start server with cluster mode enabled.
$ traefik --cluster
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The traefik --cluster command is used to start Traefik in cluster mode.

Traefik is a modern reverse proxy/load balancer that is used to route incoming network traffic to the appropriate backend services or servers. It is often used in containerized environments, such as Docker or Kubernetes.

When executed with the --cluster flag, Traefik starts in cluster mode, which means it can be used to manage multiple instances of Traefik in a cluster or distributed environment. In this mode, Traefik instances communicate with each other to share information and ensure consistency across the cluster.

By starting Traefik in cluster mode, you can achieve better availability, scalability, and fault tolerance. It allows for easier management and configuration of multiple Traefik instances as a single unit.

Overall, the traefik --cluster command is used to launch Traefik in cluster mode, enabling the deployment and management of Traefik instances in a distributed environment.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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