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transcrypt: Initialize an unconfigured repository.
$ transcrypt
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Transcrypt is a command-line tool used in Python programming to transpile (transform + compile) Python code into JavaScript code.

When you execute the "transcrypt" command, it processes your Python source files and generates corresponding JavaScript files. This allows you to write and execute Python code in a web browser or any JavaScript-compatible environment.

The typical usage of the transcrypt command is as follows:

transcrypt [-n] [-bX] [-mY] module [module ...]

Here, "module" refers to the Python source file(s) you want to transpile. You can specify multiple modules separated by whitespace.

The options provided by the transcrypt command have the following definitions:

  • -n: Does not transpile the modules' standard library dependencies.
  • -bX: Specifies the optimization level during transpilation. X can be 0, 5, or 9, with 0 being the least optimization and 9 being the highest.
  • -mY: Specifies the transpilation mode. Y can be "develop" or "none". "Develop" mode generates JavaScript files that are easier to debug, whereas "none" mode produces optimized code with minimized file sizes.

By using the transcrypt command, you can easily convert your Python code into JavaScript and leverage the power of Python in a web-based environment.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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