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transcrypt: Display the credentials of a configured repository.
$ transcrypt --display
try on your machine

The command transcrypt --display is a command-line instruction that executes the Transcrypt Python-to-JavaScript transpiler with the --display flag.

Transcrypt is a transpiler, which means it converts Python code into JavaScript code. The --display flag is an option of the Transcrypt transpiler that enables the display of generated JavaScript code in the console.

By running transcrypt --display, the command instructs Transcrypt to transpile the specified Python script into equivalent JavaScript code and then display the resulting JavaScript code in the console or command-line interface. This allows developers to inspect the generated JavaScript code and verify that the transpilation process has occurred correctly.

This command can be useful when working with Transcrypt as it allows developers to see the JavaScript code output directly and understand the conversion process from Python to JavaScript.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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