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transfersh: Upload all files from a directory recursively.
$ transfersh --recursive ${path-to-directory-}
try on your machine

The command you provided is "transfersh --recursive ${path-to-directory-}".

This command seems to be using the "transfersh" command to recursively upload all files and directories from the specified "path-to-directory" to

Here is a breakdown:

  1. The initial command is "transfersh" which is likely a command-line tool or script. It could refer to a specific program that facilitates file transfers using the service.

  2. "--recursive" is an option flag used alongside the "transfersh" command. It indicates that the command should upload files and directories from the specified path recursively. This means that it will not only upload the files present directly within the specified directory but also any files or subdirectories within it.

  3. "${path-to-directory-}" is a placeholder for the actual path to a directory on your system. You need to replace it with the specific path to the directory that you want to upload.

To use this command, replace "${path-to-directory-}" with the appropriate path to the directory you wish to upload, and then run the command in your terminal or command prompt. Make sure you have the "transfersh" command installed and configured correctly for it to work properly.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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