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transmission-daemon: Start with specific settings for the web interface.
$ transmission-daemon --auth --username ${username} --password ${password} --port ${9091} --allowed ${127-0-0-1}
try on your machine

This command starts the Transmission daemon, a BitTorrent client, with specific authentication and network settings. Let's break it down:

  • transmission-daemon: This is the executable command that launches the Transmission daemon.

  • --auth: This flag enables authentication for access to the Transmission daemon, meaning users will need to provide a username and password to access the client's web interface and API.

  • --username ${username}: This option sets the username for authentication. You need to replace ${username} with the desired username before running the command.

  • --password ${password}: This option sets the password for authentication. Similarly, replace ${password} with the desired password before running the command.

  • --port ${9091}: This option specifies the port number that the Transmission daemon will listen on. Here, ${9091} is a placeholder indicating that you can replace it with a specific port number if desired.

  • --allowed ${127-0-0-1}: This sets the IP address or range of IP addresses allowed to access the Transmission daemon. "${127-0-0-1}" represents the loopback address, i.e., localhost, which means only requests originating from the same machine will be allowed. If you want to allow connections from different IP addresses, you can modify this parameter accordingly.

In summary, this command starts the Transmission daemon with authentication enabled, requiring a username and password to access it. It listens on a specified port and only allows connections from the local machine.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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