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transmission-remote: Remove torrent 1 and 2, and also delete local data for torrent 2.
$ transmission-remote ${hostname} -t ${1} --remove -t ${2} --remove-and-delete
try on your machine

This command is using the transmission-remote utility to interact with a remote Transmission BitTorrent client. Let's break down each part:

  • ${hostname}: This is a placeholder for the hostname or IP address of the remote Transmission client. It should be replaced with the actual value.

  • -t ${1} --remove: The -t option specifies that a single torrent should be targeted. ${1} is a placeholder for the first argument passed to the command. So, if you run this command and provide an argument (e.g., ./ argument1 argument2), ${1} will be replaced with argument1. The --remove flag instructs Transmission to remove the torrent identified by ${1}.

  • -t ${2} --remove-and-delete: Similarly, -t ${2} targets a second torrent identified by ${2} and the --remove-and-delete flag means that Transmission should not only remove the torrent but also delete its downloaded files. ${2} is a placeholder for the second argument passed to the command.

To summarize, this command removes two torrents from a remote Transmission client and deletes the downloaded files associated with the second torrent. The specific torrents to remove are determined by the arguments ${1} and ${2} passed to the command.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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