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transmission: Show the tldr page for creating torrent files.
$ tldr transmission-create
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The command "tldr transmission-create" refers to the tldr command-line tool, which is commonly used to quickly understand and learn about various commands. In this specific case, "transmission-create" is the command being explained.

The "transmission-create" command is a part of the Transmission BitTorrent client. It allows users to create and generate new torrent files. A torrent file is essential in sharing and distributing files through the BitTorrent network.

Using the "transmission-create" command, you can specify the source files or directories that you want to include in the torrent file. The command will then create a new torrent file based on your specified inputs.

By providing more detailed information about the command, tldr helps users get a quick overview of how to effectively use the "transmission-create" command without having to go through lengthy and detailed documentation.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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