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transmission: Show the tldr page for running Transmission's daemon.
$ tldr transmission-daemon
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The command "tldr transmission-daemon" is a way to quickly get information about how to use the transmission-daemon program using the "tldr" tool.

Transmission-daemon is a background service that allows you to run the Transmission BitTorrent client on a server or headless machine without a graphical user interface. It is commonly used for managing and downloading torrents.

By running "tldr transmission-daemon", you are asking for a simplified and concise version of the documentation for this program. The "tldr" tool provides short, example-driven explanations of command-line commands, making it easier to understand their usage without having to go through lengthy documentation.

Running the command will display a list of common usage examples, along with a brief description of each command, helping you quickly grasp the essential information needed to work with transmission-daemon.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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