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travis: Authenticate the CLI client against the server, using an authentication token.
$ travis login
try on your machine

The travis login command is used to authenticate your Travis CI account on your local machine. Travis CI is a continuous integration and deployment platform that helps automate software building and testing processes.

When you run travis login, it prompts you to provide your GitHub username and password. It then uses these credentials to authenticate and link your GitHub account with your Travis CI account. This authentication allows you to access and manage your Travis CI settings, repositories, and build configurations from the command line.

After running travis login, you can use other Travis CI commands, such as travis init, travis enable, or travis repos create, to interact with your Travis CI account and configure various aspects of your builds and deployments.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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