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travis: Encrypt values in `.travis.yml`.
$ travis encrypt ${token}
try on your machine

The command travis encrypt ${token} is used to encrypt sensitive data, specifically a token, for use in a Travis CI (continuous integration) environment.

Travis CI is a well-known platform for automatically building and testing projects. It supports a secure environment for handling sensitive data such as API keys, passwords, and tokens. The travis encrypt command allows you to encrypt such sensitive data so that it can be safely saved in your project's configuration files or scripts without being exposed.

In this command, ${token} is a placeholder for the value you want to encrypt. For example, if you have an API token that you want to use in your Travis CI build, you can replace ${token} with the actual value of that token.

Running the travis encrypt command with the token as an argument will encrypt the token using the public key of your Travis CI repository. This ensures that only Travis CI can decrypt and access the token. The encrypted token can then be safely stored in your project's configuration files, avoiding exposing sensitive data.

Once encrypted, you can use the encrypted token in your Travis CI configuration files or scripts, utilizing it in your build process without worrying about exposing the original value.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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