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trawl: Get a list of available interfaces.
$ trawl -i
try on your machine

The command trawl -i typically refers to running the "trawl" utility with the "-i" option.

Trawl is a tool used for scanning files or directories to discover potential security vulnerabilities or issues. The "-i" option in this context is an argument passed to the trawl command.

This option stands for "interactive mode" or "interactive scan." When running trawl with the "-i" option, the tool will prompt the user for input or decisions during the scan process. It allows the user to interactively respond to prompts or make decisions about how to handle or process certain findings while the scan is running.

In simplified terms, using the command trawl -i starts an interactive scan using the trawl utility, meaning that the user can give input or make decisions regarding the scan as it progresses.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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