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trizen: List installed packages and versions.
$ trizen -Qe
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The command "trizen -Qe" is used to display a list of packages installed from the Arch User Repository (AUR) using the trizen package manager.

Here is a breakdown of the command components:

  • "trizen" is the name of the package manager, specifically designed for Arch Linux and its derivatives. It is an AUR helper that assists in managing packages from the AUR.
  • "-Qe" is an option/flag that is passed to the trizen command. In this case:
    • "-Q" is used to query the package database.
    • "e" specifies that only explicitly installed packages should be displayed. These are the packages that you have manually installed rather than as dependencies of other packages.

When running "trizen -Qe", the command will search the package database and list all the packages installed from the AUR that you have explicitly installed on your system. This helps you keep track of the AUR packages you have installed in addition to the ones from the official Arch Linux repositories.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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