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truss: Start tracing a specific process by its PID.
$ truss -p ${pid}
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The command "truss -p ${pid}" is used to trace system calls and signals of a running process with the specified process ID (${pid}).

Here's a breakdown of the command:

  • "truss": This is a command in Unix-like operating systems, typically available in systems like Solaris and FreeBSD. It is used to trace the system calls, signals, and other events of a running process.

  • "-p": This flag is used to indicate that the process ID of the target process will be provided.

  • "${pid}": This is a placeholder that represents the process ID of the process you want to trace. You would replace it with the actual process ID when running the command.

When you execute "truss -p ${pid}", the command will attach itself to the specified process (${pid}) and begin tracing the system calls and signals that the process makes. This can be useful for debugging or understanding the behavior of a program by observing its interactions with the operating system.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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