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tsv-filter: Print the lines where a specific column is numerically equal to a given number.
$ tsv-filter -H --eq ${field_name}:${number} ${path-to-tsv_file}
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The given command is using the "tsv-filter" tool to filter data from a TSV (Tab-Separated Values) file based on a specific condition.

Here is the breakdown of each component of the command:

  1. "tsv-filter": This is the command itself, indicating that we want to use the "tsv-filter" tool.

  2. "-H": This option stands for "header" and tells the tool that the first line of the TSV file contains the column headers.

  3. "--eq": This option stands for "equals" and represents the comparison operator used in the filter condition.

  4. "${field_name}:${number}": This is the filter condition, where you need to replace "${field_name}" with the actual name of the column you want to filter on, and "${number}" with the specific value you want to match for that column.

  5. "${path-to-tsv_file}": This is the path to the TSV file that you want to filter.

By executing this command, the "tsv-filter" tool will read the TSV file, interpret the column headers, and apply the filter condition specified. It will then return the rows that satisfy the condition, excluding the header row if the "-H" option is provided.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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