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tsv-filter: Print the lines where a specific column is [eq]ual/[n]ot [e]qual/part of/not part of a given string.
$ tsv-filter --str-${select} ${column_number}:${string} ${path-to-tsv_file}
try on your machine

This command is using the "tsv-filter" tool to filter a TSV (tab-separated values) file. Let's break down the command:

  • "tsv-filter": It is the name of the tool being used. This tool allows filtering TSV files based on specific criteria.

  • "--str-${select}": This is an option for the tsv-filter tool. It specifies the type of filtering to be performed. The exact meaning of "${select}" depends on the tool's documentation or usage, as it might be a placeholder for a specific value or a variable.

  • "${column_number}:${string}": This part specifies the column number and the string to filter on. "${column_number}" is a placeholder for the column number within the TSV file that needs to be checked. "${string}" is a placeholder for the specific string or pattern that is being searched for within the specified column.

  • "${path-to-tsv_file}": This is the path or location of the TSV file that needs to be filtered. It could be a filename with the complete path or just the filename if it is in the same directory.

Overall, this command is using the "tsv-filter" tool to filter a TSV file, using a specific string within a particular column to select and extract the matching rows.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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