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tts: Run your own text-to-speech model (using the Griffin-Lim vocoder).
$ tts --text "${text}" --model_path ${path-to-model-pth} --config_path ${path-to-config-json} --out_path ${filename-wav}
try on your machine

This command appears to be using a text-to-speech (TTS) tool to convert a given text string into speech. Let's break it down:

  1. tts: This is likely the name or alias of the TTS command or script.

  2. --text "${text}": This option specifies the input text that needs to be converted to speech. The ${text} is likely a placeholder for the actual text that needs to be provided.

  3. --model_path ${path-to-model-pth}: This option specifies the path to the TTS model file. The Model file is typically a pre-trained neural network model that has learned to generate speech based on text input.

  4. --config_path ${path-to-config-json}: This option specifies the path to the configuration file in JSON format. The configuration file provides various settings and parameters for the TTS model, such as the type of waveform generation, voice characteristics, or model architecture.

  5. --out_path ${filename-wav}: This option specifies the output path and filename for the generated speech. The result of the TTS process will be saved as a WAV audio file with the provided filename.

In summary, this command takes a text input, uses a TTS model (specified by the model path and configuration), generates speech based on the input text, and saves the result as a WAV audio file with the specified filename.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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