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tts: Run a text-to-speech model with its default vocoder model.
$ tts --text "${text}" --model_name ${model_type-language-dataset-model_name}
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This command uses the "tts" command-line tool to generate speech (Text-to-Speech) from a given input text.

Here's a breakdown of the command:

  • "tts": This is the command-line tool being executed.
  • "--text": This flag is followed by a variable "${text}". Here, "${text}" represents the text that you want to convert to speech.
  • "--model_name": This flag is followed by the model name, which is specified using a variable ${model_type-language-dataset-model_name}. The model name identifies the specific pre-trained model to be used for generating the speech. It usually consists of four parts separated by hyphens: model type, language, dataset, and model name. For example, it might be something like "tts_en_ljspeech_tacotron2".

In summary, this command takes input text and uses a specific pre-trained model to convert that text into synthesized speech. You would need to replace "${text}" with the actual text you want to convert and "${model_type-language-dataset-model_name}" with the desired model name for your specific TTS task.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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