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tts: Query info for a model by name.
$ tts --model_info_by_name ${model_type-language-dataset-model_name}
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The provided command "tts --model_info_by_name ${model_type-language-dataset-model_name}" seems to be using a command-line tool or script called "tts" to retrieve model information based on a specific name.

Here's a breakdown of the command and its components:

  1. "tts": This is the command or script being run, likely related to text-to-speech operations.
  2. "--model_info_by_name": It is a flag or option specific to the "tts" command, indicating that the desired operation is to retrieve model information.
  3. "${model_type-language-dataset-model_name}": This placeholder variable suggests that a specific model's information is sought. It is expected to be replaced with the actual name of the model, including its type, language, dataset, and model name.

To use this command effectively, you need to replace "${model_type-language-dataset-model_name}" with the particular name of the model you are interested in obtaining information about. The format of the model name should match the pattern "model_type-language-dataset-model_name". For example, if you are looking for a model named "tacotron2-english-ljspeech-0001", you would replace "${model_type-language-dataset-model_name}" with "tacotron2-english-ljspeech-0001".

Once you substitute the placeholder with the actual model name, running the command will fetch the corresponding information about the specified model.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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