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ttyplot: Use a while loop to continuously plot random values.
$ { while ${true}; do echo ${$RANDOM}; sleep ${1}; done } | ttyplot
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This command is a combination of multiple commands executed together to continuously plot random numbers on the terminal using ttyplot.

Let's break down the command step by step:

  1. The command starts with a while loop: while ${true}; do. This creates a loop that will continue indefinitely since ${true} always evaluates to true.

  2. Inside the loop, the command echo ${$RANDOM} is executed. The $RANDOM variable in Bash holds a random number each time it is accessed. Therefore, this command echoes a random number to the terminal.

  3. After echoing the random number, the command sleep ${1} is executed. The sleep command simply waits for a given number of seconds before executing the next iteration of the loop. ${1} refers to the first argument passed to the script or command.

  4. Finally, the loop is closed with done.

  5. The output of the loop, which is the randomly generated numbers, is piped (|) to the ttyplot command. ttyplot is a tool used to plot data in real-time on the terminal.

Overall, this command continuously generates random numbers using the $RANDOM variable, waits for a specified period of time using the sleep command, and then plots the numbers in real-time using ttyplot.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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