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tuir: Launch tuir.
$ tuir
try on your machine

The command "tuir" is an acronym for "Text User Interface for Reddit". Tuir is a command-line interface (CLI) application that allows users to browse and interact with Reddit directly from their terminal.

When you enter the "tuir" command in your terminal, it launches the Tuir application. Tuir provides a text-based interface similar to browsing Reddit in a web browser or using the official Reddit mobile app.

With Tuir, you can browse different subreddits, view and interact with posts and comments, upvote or downvote content, save posts or comments, submit new posts or comments, and perform various other actions that are common on Reddit.

Using keyboard shortcuts and navigational commands, you can navigate through different sections of Tuir, switch between posts or comments, open and close media content, search for specific topics, sort posts by various criteria (e.g., hot, new, controversial, top), and perform other operations efficiently.

Overall, Tuir provides a lightweight and efficient way to browse Reddit without the need for a graphical interface, making it especially useful for users who prefer the command line or have limited system resources.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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