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tuir: Open external links using programs defined in the mailcap config.
$ tuir --enable-media
try on your machine

The command "tuir --enable-media" enables the media mode in the TUIR (Terminal UI for Reddit) application.

TUIR is a text-based interface for browsing and interacting with Reddit from a terminal. By default, TUIR does not display media content, such as images or videos, to keep the interface lightweight and focused on text-based discussions.

However, with the "--enable-media" flag, TUIR will allow the display of media content alongside text posts and comments. This means that when enabled, you will be able to see and interact with images, videos, and other media files directly from the TUIR interface, enhancing your browsing experience.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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