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turbo: Run a task ignoring cached artifacts and forcibly re-execute all tasks.
$ turbo run ${task_name} --force
try on your machine

This command starts the execution of a task with the name specified in the variable task_name, using the Turbo CLI tool.

The Turbo CLI tool is a command-line interface for Turbo, a service that allows running scripts and tasks in the cloud. The run command is used to execute a particular task.

In this case, ${task_name} is a placeholder for the actual name of the task. The ${} syntax is often used in command-line interfaces to represent variables interpolated into the command.

The --force flag is an optional argument that can be added to the command. It overrides any prompts or warnings that might appear during the execution of the task. By using --force, the command execution proceeds without manual intervention.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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